All Staff:
Fire up your health this summer by attending our first mini SETA Employee Wellness Fair on June 20, 2014. The theme for the fair is “Blaze into Wellness” and the goal is to expose you to wellness resources you can use that will nurture your mind, body and spirit. You can also enjoy presentations and screenings that will help your well-being by increasing awareness, decreasing injury and stress and promoting an active and healthy lifestyle! There will be chances to win incentives as well. Please note the itinerary will be sent early in June so you may plan your time accordingly.
Don’t forget to use your wellness hours and share the flyer below with your co-workers!
This is an APPROVED WELLNESS ACTIVITY. Please read the policy below pertaining to this type of activity and how to use your approved 4 hours to attend Wellness events. Please have your supervisor complete the form below and bring it to the event.
Approved Wellness Activity Policy
Staff can utilize 4 hours per calendar year to participate in Approved Wellness Activities. All Approved Wellness Activities will be identified by SETA and may include workshops offered by Kaiser, external health professionals and/or ‘certified’ SETA staff.
Blaze Into Wellness Flyer
Wellness Supervisor Approval Form 2014
Ellen Fransz 916-263-3907
Teresita Saechao 916-263-4362
Zenobia Henderson 916-263-0570