When enrolling new customers (with no open WIA Application) into SacWorks please be sure to create the customer’s WIA Application (with Activities 102, 202, & 205) 1-2 days prior to the creation of a financial activity (Support Service, OJT, OSSI, OST). If necessary, the financial activities can have the same Projected and Actual Begin dates, but should not be created on the same date as the 102, 202, & 205. The creation of the WIA App and all of the Activities (102, 202, 205, 300, 312, 301, etc.) on the same day can cause the upload process from SacWorks to CalJOBS to not function correctly. Please remember to verify the upload of the WIA Application and all Activities to CalJOBS within 1-2 days of entry (including Activities 102, 202, & 205).
When Closing/Completing an Activity (particularly a training activity) “Unknown Status” should not be selected as an option. If the customer has stopped attending the training and the coach has lost contact with them the Activity Completion should be indicated as an “Unsuccessful Completion”. If the customer has indicated to the Coach that they are no longer able to attend the training the completion should reflect “Dropped Out of Activity”. Remember, the CalJOBS 30 day lock-down (back dating) rule also applies to Completions/Closures of ALL Activities.
Finally, When staff receive an Alert indicating that an Activity is about to Close in SacWorks, the Activity should either be extended or Closed/Completed right away. Activities not extended or Closed/Completed in SacWorks will System Close in CalJOBS the day immediately following the Projected End Date. In addition, after 30 days have passed the Activity Closure/Completion status cannot be changed in CalJOBS.
Please remember that if you Close/Complete an Activity as “Unknown Status”, “Unsuccessful Completion” or “Dropped Out of Activity” that these will be recorded and evaluated as negative exits from your program and that contract extensions will be based on your ability to meet contracted performance measures. It is very important that you engage your customers and continue working with them until they attain positive completions. If you need assistance on how to keep a case open for customers who you are continuing to serve, please contact SacWorks Support.