Message from Payroll Department

To better service the needs of SETA employees in a more accurate and prompt manner, the Payroll Department recommends that employees direct all payroll related inquires, questions and requests to the shared payroll email account, SETA Payroll.  By sending all payroll issues to this email account instead of to one individual payroll staff’s email, we can insure that you will receive the assistance you need and that your requests or concerns are handled more efficiently and timely.
When sending an email to SETA Payroll, please provide the topic of your need in the Subject Line (Examples: Time Sheet, Payroll Check, Accruals, Computer Access, Benefits, Leave of Absence).  This will help filter your email to the appropriate person to handle.  We also prefer that you email vs. making a phone call.  This will help to better document your request and the information we provide you.
Thank you.  We appreciate your cooperation.
Payroll Department
Deanna Dykes / Payroll Supervisor
Tamara Bearden / Senior Payroll Specialist
Tracy McNeil / Payroll Specialist
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