The steps outlined below represent the process for making a customer eligible for the Grant 901 – CalWorks ESE 2 (OJT). In addition, on the Staff Resources page is the matrix reflecting the service fields necessary to enroll the customer into the related Activity 940 CalWORKS – OJT (ESE 2).
Staff should follow the steps below:
1. Open the customer’s WIA Application by clicking on the WIA Application.
2. Choose Application Eligibility at the top of the screen.
3. Choose Edit Application Eligibility
4. Expand Show Statewide Program Eligibility Information.
5. Select Yes in the Local Funded Grant section
6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Save
7. Choose Grants at the top of the screen
8. Select Edit Grant Information at the bottom of the screen
9. Scroll down to the Local Funded Grants section
10. In the first available drop down select Sac901 – CalWORKS – ESE 2 (901)
11. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Finish.
NOTE: This Grant only requires the entry of the Activity 940. The activity 940 should be the Participation if staff are generating a new WIA Application for the customer. Do not co-enroll the customer in any other grant (unless the customer has a pre-existing enrollment). If the customer is a new enrollment (application) in SacWorks version 15, the customer can be made eligible during the initial creation of the WIA Application. It is not necessary for this Grant or related Activity to upload to CalJOBS.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact SacWorksSupport.