Bilingual Pay Certification

Dear SETA Community,
The Agency has determined there is a need for additional language skills providers, particularly for the languages of: Arabic, Cantonese, Chinese, Farsi, Filipino/Tagalog, Hindi, Hmong, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, and Russian.  Staff who are using their bilingual skills in the course of their work are invited to apply for certification by submitting the Request for Language Certification form to Rahn Tibbs in the HR office.  Employees currently receiving bilingual pay do not need to re-certify.  Staff who pass the exam and are certified will receive $25.00 bi-weekly.
Employees who request language certification will be invited to test for either oral, written or both skills based upon the Agency’s need to supply services in the language.  The SETA bilingual pay program was created to provide effective language services to SETA clients and to compensate the employees providing the language services.  An employee who is receiving bilingual pay may be required to provide assistance to any Agency operation.
Please contact Bonnie Bilger via email if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Bonnie Bilger, M.P.A.
Human Resources Manager
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