Outlook Update #3

To All Seta Employees,


We have one week to go before our migration to Microsoft Outlook.  Outlook has been up and running for over a month and has been working great.  It can easily be set-up to run on your iOS or Android device.  In mid July we copied all your emails, calendar entries and contacts from Groupwise to Outlook.  eMails sent to Groupwise have been forwarded to your Outlook account since then as well.  Please note that any contact or calendar entries you have made in Groupwise since mid-July do not automatically get posted in Outlook. If you have made significant calendar entries in Groupwise since mid July please contact the help desk and we can restore all your Groupwise calendar entries into Outlook.  I would encourage you to begin using Outlook today.  If you encounter any problems please call the help desk (263-7957). Remember Outlook will contain a new email address for you (firstname.lastname@seta.net)  Outlook orientation classes are being held in the Jupiter room and you can register on-line @ http://caiz.seta.net/caizII/ – click on “Computer Related”.

After close of business on September 1st we will instruct Groupwise not to receive or send any email.  All emails sent to your old Groupwise address will be sent to Outlook only.  We will continue to have Outlook available for reference only for 4 additional weeks.

If you have any additional questions please contact an Outlook training team member (Staci Foster, Jaime Serrano, Wendy Tanner, Rachel Sattel, and Lin Morgan).

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