CalJOBs Registration and Registration Addendum Forms

Good afternoon,


As we continue to enroll customers directly into CalJOBS, there are a few more topics to bring to the attention of staff.


We are attaching new hard copies of the customer Registration form and Registration Addendum form for CalJOBS.

CalJOBS Registration Form (WIOA) – revised
CalJOBS Registration Addendum Form (WIOA)

When staff are scanning the Addendum directly into a customer’s CalJOBS record it is not necessary to complete the Verification Item or the Verification Type fields in the Document Association section. While the Vault system will remain available some staff are experiencing issues with scanning into Vault if they have already begun scanning documents directly into CalJOBS. IT is attempting to identify the issue.


Finally, please be sure to assign your customers to your caseload and set the Alerts in CalJOBS since once an Activity or Application System Closes/Exits it cannot be modified.


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact SacWorksSupport.

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