Revised Performance Evaluation Process

Starting Monday, September 30th, the Agency’s performance evaluation process is changing and I would like to advise employees of these changes.


Probationary Evaluations

  • Process and timing will NOT be changing, however they are on a new system so they will look slightly different.


Annual Evaluations are being replaced by Annual Check-ins (For all employees except non-Head Start Site Teaching Staff)

  • Annual evaluations where the employee is rated 1 through 4 on a variety of job duties is
  • Annual Check-ins will replace Annual Evaluations.
    • An Annual Check-in is a documented two-way conversations between managers/supervisors and employees to record performance and development, set goals and track progress, and provide constructive feedback.
    • Employees are able to provide documented feedback which makes the check-in more valuable to both parties by increasing employee engagement than a rated performance evaluation.
    • Categories for possible discussion during the Check-in are: Project Management, Time Management, Communication, Customer Service, Teamwork, Attendance, Training/Development (requested or suggested), Leadership (Only for supervisors who have direct reports), and Other (anything else needed to be discussed).
    • Check-ins are required to be done annually after a probationary period is completed.
    • Although these are completed annually, an employee can request to have a Check-in completed at any time outside of a probationary period by sending their supervisor an email.
    • Supervisors may also initiate a Check-in with an employee at any time outside of the probationary period if they desire.


Annual Evaluations are being replaced by Annual Feedback (For Head Start Site Teaching Staff ONLY)

  • Annual evaluations where the employee is rated 1 through 4 on a variety of job duties is
  • Annual Feedback will replace Annual Evaluations for Teachers, LT/ITs (Center-Based), Associate Teachers, and AT/ITs ONLY.
    • Annual Feedback will be documented on a template form (to be developed soon) by the Site Supervisor. The form will include general workplace practices such as attendance, judgement and teamwork as well as incorporate data from other Quality Observation tools. This may include tools such as CLASS, Curriculum Fidelity, and ECERS data. This process will allow teaching staff to create goals that are more aligned to their daily practices.
  • Annual Feedback will be completed during the month of June every year starting in 2020.


Please contact me with any questions. Thank you.


Kind regards,


Allison Noren

Human Resources Chief

Equal Opportunity Officer

Sacramento Employment & Training Agency (SETA)

916-263-3658 (direct)

916-263-3800 (main)

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