Dear SETA Staff,
I am pleased to announce the commencement of the 2016 Sacramento County Employees’ Giving Campaign. For many years, Sacramento Employment & Training Agency employees have generously participated in the annual Giving Campaign and the Agency is looking forward to continuing this worthy tradition of helping others in the community.
The theme, “Sacramento County Gives Back”, serves to highlight the importance of charitable giving right here at home. Each and every contribution will help improve the quality of life in our community, as well as others throughout the nation and the world.
There are five federations of charitable organizations represented in this year’s campaign (a federation is a coalition of individual charities). As in years past, employees have the option to make a charitable donation to a federation or to designate a non-profit organization of their choice. Employees may participate in the campaign by making an ongoing contribution through payroll deduction or by a one-time contribution by check.
The Sacramento County Employees’ Giving Campaign booklet, which lists participating organizations in this year’s campaign, can be found at or you can pick up a copy in the Personnel Department.
To make a pledge, you must complete a pledge form indicating who you want to contribute to and the amount of your contribution. Pledge forms can be found on page four (4) of the Employee Giving Campaign Booklet at or in the Personnel Department.
You may choose one (or more) of the following federations to make a charitable donation: Community Health Charities, America’s Charities, Global Impact, Local Independent Charities of America or United Way California Capital Region, or you can choose to contribute to an agency listed in the booklet. You may also designate a charitable 501(c) (3) tax exempt organization of your choice by listing the Federal Tax Identification Number and full official name and address of the organization in the section designated on the pledge form.
Please turn in your completed pledge form to Deanna Dykes in Personnel, no later than October 31, 2016. If making a one-time contribution by check, please make check payable to the federation (not a specific charitable organization). Checks for a one-time contribution to a 501(c) (3) organization should be made out to Local Independent Charities of America. Attach check to pledge form and submit to Personnel on date specified above.
Deanna C. Dykes
My heartfelt thanks to each of you for your generosity and willingness to participate in this year’s Sacramento County Employees’ Giving Campaign.