Important Payroll Information
To all SETA Employees: Time sheets for PP 1 (Dec 14 – Dec 27, 2014) have been generated and you can now go in to record yours hours. Time sheets…
To all SETA Employees: Time sheets for PP 1 (Dec 14 – Dec 27, 2014) have been generated and you can now go in to record yours hours. Time sheets…
Attention SETA Employees– Over the past couple of payrolls we’ve had a few instances where employees did not receive their vacation cash-out as they requested on their time sheet. In order to ensure that…
To All SETA Staff: In order for Payroll Staff to process payroll checks in a timely manner during the busy holiday season, it is imperative that you follow the following deadlines: Time…
We have been asked by EDD to modify Activity 202s that exceed the 360 day restriction. The customers who have the Activity in their SacWorks Account that exceed the 360…
When enrolling new customers (with no open WIA Application) into SacWorks please be sure to create the customer’s WIA Application (with Activities 102, 202, & 205) 1-2 days prior to the…
SETA has been awarded $600,000 from the California Employment Development Department (EDD), under the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) grant opportunity. SETA was one of three…
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (ETA) have recently released a collaborative report,…
The state, in conjunction with Geographic Solutions, is modifying the upload specifications so the process will not be available. The last upload of the week will be Wednesday, October 15…
The latest version of the Nondiscrimination & Equal Opportunity Procedures (IS 05-08) can be found on the Staff Resources page of the SETA Website. Here is a summary of the…
Open enrollment for your insurance benefits has begun and will run through Friday, October 24, 2014. Please find important. date sensitive, information and document on the Staff Resources page…