CAIZ>>Gateway to Services Training
The CAIZ Team will be sponsoring a Gateway to Services Training for all Vocational Counselors, Social Workers, Job Coaches (J/C, J/S, CWEX), Job Developers and Workforce Coordinators. Those attending will…
The CAIZ Team will be sponsoring a Gateway to Services Training for all Vocational Counselors, Social Workers, Job Coaches (J/C, J/S, CWEX), Job Developers and Workforce Coordinators. Those attending will…
The CAIZ Team invites you to attend a webinar on “Mastering Excel Functions & Formulas.” Are you stuck in the doldrums of table creation and summations? Do you find…
The latest version of the SacWorks Customer Flow Directive (IS 01-08) can be found on the Staff Resources page of the SETA Website. Here is a summary of the changes…
A number of staff are encountering customers in SacWorks that have Coaching Activities (Activity 202) that were created prior to the conversion to CalJOBS that need to be Closed/Completed. Unfortunately,…
As most of you are aware, the State of California has transitioned from the JTA customer tracking system to CalJOBS (as of May 2014). As part of this change in…
The latest version of the Eligibility or Demographic Data Collection and Criteria (IS 22-09) can be found on the Staff Resources page of the SETA Website. Here is a…
Did you miss our current webinar entitled “The Good About Carbs?” If so, you can now view it at your convenience by clicking the link below. It is only 35…
Dear Workforce Development Staff, The employer outreach campaign, “You Haven’t Met Me Yet, But I Work For Your Business” began Monday, August 11. The campaign includes TV, Radio and Print.…
The Sacramento Works One-Stop Job Center in Galt will be closed Monday August 18 through Wednesday August 20 due to construction to our roof. The site will re-open with normal business…
The state has implemented the CalJOBS 30 day back date lock-down rule as of August 1, 2014. To help with accurate data uploads, we are asking that each center/site identify 1-2 designated staff to…