To All SETA Staff:
In order for Payroll Staff to process payroll checks in a timely manner during the busy holiday season, it is imperative that you follow the following deadlines:
Time Sheets
Time sheets for PP 26 (Nov 30 – Dec 13) are due by 9:00 AM on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. Please submit your time sheet to your supervisor early to allow ample time for them to approve and submit to payroll by the 9:00 am deadline.
Supervisors—Please review time sheets carefully, as this is the final payroll of the year. If you have Consultants and/or Substitute Teaching Staff, please remind them to get their time sheets in by this date & time, as well. We will not be issuing any manual checks for late time sheets, until after we return from our holiday closure.
Wellness Hours
If you have any Wellness Hours available, please use them in the next two pay periods, as they expire 12/31/2014.
W-2/Address Change
If you have had an address change this year and haven’t notified payroll yet, please complete a ‘Change of Address’ form and submit to Payroll by Wednesday, December 10th, as this is the last payroll before W-2 forms are generated. ‘Change of Address’ forms can be found on the SETA Website or you can come by and pick one up in Payroll.