Hello Workforce Development Professionals,
On behalf of the Joint Apprenticeship committee, and following up on last Friday’s initial information session, below are some FAQs about the WDP Apprenticeship Program. I’ve also attached the application form and the “work processes and approximate hours” document.
Also, following our information session last Friday, our Apprenticeship Committee met and hammered out some important information, such as a finalized timeline (see below for specific information).
What is the Apprenticeship Program?
The Apprenticeship Program is a voluntary program for and Workforce Development Professional to participate in. No one is required to participate. The program was initiated to provide an objective pathway for promotion into a journey level Workforce Development Professional position. Once an employee is accepted into the program (and since we are dealing with incumbent employees that we know attend work each day, engage clients regularly, etc., there should be no issues with accepting applicants into the program), they will engage in work-related instruction related to their scope of practice, taught by real world industry professionals. Classwork will consist of lectures, small group projects, discussion groups and a seminal individual project at the end of the program that demonstrates your competencies in the areas of Workforce Development. 144 hours of instruction are required, of which, 50% of the hours will be paid work hours. Some of the “class hours” will be reserved for independent work on your seminal “capstone” project at the end of the program. Unlike academic courses, which require at least two hours of outside study for each hour spent in class, professional development classes are done in class and will rarely require advance or outside preparation.
What is the deadline for the Apprenticeship Application?
The application deadline is 5 pm on January 4, 2016. Please note that applications and all accompanying materials must be received by the California Workforce Association at 1107 9th Street, Suite 801, Sacramento, CA 95814. No late applications will be accepted.
Can I drop off my Apprenticeship Application at SETA?
No. SETA is not the sponsor of the apprenticeship program. All applications and supporting materials must be sent to the California Workforce Association.
I want to earn the 12% credit for past experience. What is the best way to apply for the credit?
The work processes and the approximate number of hours for each work process is attached. Since you may be getting credit for up to 12% of on the job training for these work processes, please focus on providing information that supports your expertise in these areas, such as certifications, evidence of academic achievement, etc.
Can I just submit my portfolio for consideration of the 12% credit?
Yes. You can make a copy of your portfolio or we encourage you to can scan it and submit an electronic version on a thumb drive with your written application. You may not submit your application or portfolio by email. The hard copies or digital version via thumb drive must be submitted to the California Workforce Association at the address listed above.
When will I find out if I am accepted into the Apprenticeship Program?
The Apprenticeship Committee will be meeting on January 7, 2016, to review all applications and notices will go out shortly thereafter announcing the acceptance or not of each applicant. Decisions on the 12% credit, however, may not be available the same day. The Apprenticeship Committee will need to take the time to review each application and accompanying documentation in depth to determine credit.
What is the difference between SETA and the Apprenticeship Committee?
The Apprenticeship program is not a SETA program. SETA is not the sponsor of the program. This program is a big deal and is the result of a long process and collaboration of the Division of Apprentice Standards (which is part of the California Department of Industrial Relations), the Butte County Office of Education, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s office, the California Workforce Association (who is the official sponsor of the program), Sacramento State College of Continuing Education as well as AFSCME Local 146 and SETA. Each of these parties is a member of the Apprenticeship Committee that governs the program, and SETA is a voting member on the Committee.
I still have questions not answered here. Where should I go?
Dianna Nash is your apprentice representative on the Apprenticeship Committee. She will act as a liaison for information and feedback to and from the apprentices and the committee. If you have questions we have not yet answered, Dianna will collect them and get them to the right person to answer your questions and we can send out a follow up FAQ if necessary. Dianna’s email is dianna.nash@seta.net.
The timeline for the apprenticeship program:
- Monday, January 4, 2016: applications and supporting materials are due to the California Workforce Association
- Thursday, January 7, 2016: Apprenticeship Committee meets to review applications and acceptance letters sent out
- Friday, January 15, 2016: Apprenticeship Orientation Session: this is when apprentices actually receive and sign the formal apprenticeship agreement, get detailed information about the rules and regulations of the program, receive your “blue book” which will allow you to track your on the job training hours, etc.
When will the actual class schedule be available?
Sacramento State is still working on finalizing the schedule. It appears, however, that the program will be a mix of Friday afternoon classes from 1:00-5:30 pm and a combination of weeknights from 5:30-9:00 pm and Saturdays. Please note, no one day of the week will work for every member, so the days will be varied to accommodate the schedules of the teaching faculty and space on the Sacramento State campus. There will be no more than one non-paid class session per week. The employer is committed to paying for 4 hours of class on Fridays (50% of the required class time). The extra half hour on Fridays will be unpaid. For weeknight classes, if you believe you will need extra time to get across town to Sacramento State for the classes, employees can utilize the make-up time provision of the AFSCME MOU to accommodate travel time and/or make arrangements with their supervisor. Lastly, occasional Saturday classes will be held and each weekend class is the equivalent of two weeknight classes and will cut down on the number of days required to attend class. As soon as a schedule is available, it will be forwarded to apprentices.
Thank you for your time and we look forward to working with you in the Apprenticeship Program.
The Apprenticeship Committee
Bob Lanter, California Workforce Association and Committee Chair
Babette Jimenez, Sacramento State College of Continuing Education and Committee Vice Chair
Roy Kim, SETA
Karmen Lee Ortloff, AFSCME
Keith Lane, Butte County Office of Education
Stephen Wright, Butte County Office of Education
Steve Gutierrez, Division of Apprenticeship Standards Consultant