SacWorks Update

In the past we have uploaded data from SacWorks to the state’s JTA system. Now we are uploading SacWorks data to the state’s CalJOBS system. As part of that shift, we are making certain changes to SacWorks. One of those changes is the addition of a check box on the first page of the WIA application indicating an Intensive enrollment. It is an easy box to miss; please be sure to look for and check the box or no intensive activities will be allowed by the system.
Also the Manual Scan card activities are no longer identified with a JTA activity code. These scan card activities will no longer populate an open WIA application, but will continue to be used to record job/training center universal services. It is important not to use these activities to keep a WIA application from “soft exiting”. Please be sure to extend other activities, as necessary, to keep the WIA application active.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact SacWorksSupport.
Thank you for your patience,
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