In order to provide additional security to SETA’s network, and to improve SETA’s internal controls, we will be implementing an agency Password Policy which will go into effect Tuesday, November 5, 2019. This policy will apply to all user-level accounts associated with systems that are directly managed by SETA, including Global-Protect (VPN login). It will NOT apply to Timesheet, ChildPlus, EZID, EZIZ, Refugee, CART, or Bamboo login at this time.
While developing the new Password Policy, we looked to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (a US Dept. of Commerce agency) for guidance on password composition rules and expiration date enforcement. A copy of the policy is attached for your convenience and will be available on the K drive in the “IT Policies_Plans” folder. Highlights from the new policy include:
- Passwords must be a minimum of 10 characters.
- We encourage the use of passphrases such as “It’s time for vacation”.
- Other than the minimum length requirement, there are no other composition rules. (Such as requiring lower-case, upper-case, numbers, and/or special characters.)
- Your password will not However, you will be required to change your password if there is evidence that it has been compromised.
- Do not share your password with anyone.
When the new password policy goes into effect on November 5th, you will be asked to reset your password if it is not in compliance with the new policy. If you access your SETA eMail account on a mobile device (tablet, iPad, cell phone), you will need to go to your device Settings, and update the account password.
If you have any questions, or if any issues arise during this transition, please contact the SETA Help Desk.
SETA Help Desk